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Would you like to rent your holiday home or appartement?

Villa Pesce Services Ltd based in Arlesheim, Sitzerland does:
- develop the marketing concept of your holiday apartments and homes
- develops your corporate identity
- develops and maintains your website, advertising and print material
- marketing in various media channels

Our motiveated, professional team offers you All-in-one concenpts and enables you to rent out your holiday homes iin a simple, careless and efficient way.
This website is an example of what service we can offer to you.

For further information please contact:
Villa Pesce Services Ltd, Hirslandweg 21, CH 4144 Arlesheim
Trade registery CH-

A big thank to our translators:

English: Marian Salczer
Netherlands: Yvette Kloosterman
Français: Francis Tissot

Die Verantwortlichen

Unser Gästebuch

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(c) Villa Pesce Services Ltd, CH-4144 Arlesheim